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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Whatever Wednesday~ Have you tried PaperBackSwap Yet?

It feels good to be back. The phone service at my house has been all messed up for the past 2 days. Which means no internet for me. Yes, you can imagine how sick I was without my daily blog fix but I made it through with the help of my iphone. I needed a magnifiying glass to read the print but beggers can't be chooser right.:) Anywho~ Trade Books for Free - PaperBack Swap. Have you guys ever heard of PaperBackSwap? If you haven't yet, let me fill you in. It's a great way to get gently used books for free. You only pay shipping which is so darn cheap you won't believe it. Here's how
So,I recieved an emial today saying that someone wanted a book I had listed. I clicked the print postage button and printed out my "wrapping paper" for the book. Here is a quick tutorial of how easy it is to mail out a book.
If you want you can purchase PBS money that adds postage to your book wrapping based on weight and shipping location.

This saves me a trip to the post office and standing in line, so it's a win win for me. I just pop it in the mail box when I'm done wrapping it up.

Now this next part isn't rocket science and I'm certainly not a wrapping experts but try to make sure you have the book completely wrapped on all sides. I wrap the book in plastic wrap first, just in case the paper gets wet by rain.

Wrap the back of the book with page 2 and Tape, Tape, Tape!
Place the shipping label page 1 over the top and Tape, Tape, Tape!

It's really that simple folks. If you have some books you know you need to part with, try PBS out. I'm getting a cook book with my credit for shipping this one. One more thing, if you do decide to sign up for free, click on the banner at the top so I can get a credit for referring you. You guys are the best! Happy reading~ Jamie
